About NYTD

icon in the shape of a United states map What is NYTD?

The National Youth in Transition Database or “NYTD” is a nationwide effort to learn more about young people entering adulthood from the foster care system.

clipboard icon Who gets surveyed?

At ages 17, 19 and 21, we invite youth in Arizona to take a short survey about things like school, your health, your relationships and your goals for the future.

 How is the infomation used?

Then, we use this information to improve programs and services for youth leaving foster care.

 How can you help?

Ready to use your voice? If you’ve got 15 minutes to chat, we’ve got a gift card for you!

 Get Connected

Unite with other young people who have experienced foster care and add your voice to the National Youth in Transition Database!

About our team 

The NYTD survey is conducted by Arizona State University’s Center for Child Well-Being in partnership with the Arizona Department of Child Safety.

Each year, we reach out to a different group of young people to talk about their experiences as they age. We also want to make sure we remain connected to you so we can speak with you again as you get older. If you’re eligible for the survey, we will try to contact you.

Our research team looks forward to meeting you!

Tonia Stott

Tonia Stott, PhD, MSW
Principal Investigator

Deborah Mabingani

Deborah Mabingani, MSW/MPA 
Project Coordinator, Sr.

Eleni Katergaris

Eleni Katergaris, BS Psychology
Research Specialist

Emily Saeteurn

Emily Saeteurn
Research Specialist

Nayo Daniel

Nayo Daniel

Kendra Lickliter

Kendra Lickliter

Alexander Riddle

Alexander Riddle




For more information about NYTD, here are a couple of short videos that discuss the project: