NYTD Resource List (Arizona)

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2831 N 31st Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85009
Emergency Shelter
Call: 1-877-211-8661
Call: 602-595-8700
Providing meals for youth and families.
Call: 602-528-3434
Text: “FOOD” to 877877

Statewide COVID Resources and Support

2-1-1 ARIZONA: 2-1-1 Arizona provides information and referral services through the website, an automated phone system and mobile app. Resources are available for food, clothing, help paying bills, housing, domestic violence, health & dental, disabilities, veterans, employment, mental health and substance abuse and many more topics.
CONNECT ARIZONA: To assist students seeking no-cost broadband access, also attached is the Connect Arizona Info Sheet that provides a link to Connect Arizona’s website featuring an interactive map of free Wi-Fi hot spots across Arizona for virtual learning. "https://connect-arizona.com/
The website also provides:
  • Easy access on mobile phones
  • Simple training on how to access a hotspot
  • Free tech support phone line by Arizona public library staff
  • Special discounts provided by Arizona internet providers
  • Google Map with step by step directions to get to these free Wi-Fi spots
Locations for libraries can be found on the interactive map: https://connect-arizona.com/get-online/free-wi-fi-map
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: You can receive help to continue your education, help with finding/training for a job or accessing other services you need to help you on the road to school or a job by contacting an Arizona@Work location: Visit https://oppforyouth.org/resources for a complete list of resources.
BRIDGING SUCCESS: Provides help in applying to ASU and financial aid for college. Provides ongoing support that has helped hundreds of foster youth get enrolled and succeed at ASU.
Email justine.cheung@asu.edu
FOSTERING SUCCESS: Fostering Success is a community on campus to support UA students that have experienced the foster care system or are unaccompanied homeless and housing insecure youth. Our support structure of peer-to-peer mentorship with professional support staff available for consultation and referrals, and our commitment to evolving based on the needs of our participants provides a unique space for UA students to overcome their individual barriers and gain the confidence to know they will be successful adults.
NINA SCHOLARS: Scholarship for young people (18-25) who have experienced foster care. Provides up to 6 years of financial aid, mentorship and support to earn an undergraduate degree. https://publicservice.asu.edu/content/become-nina-scholar. Contact joann.martinez@asu.edu
TEST PREP INSIGHT: College Guide & Resources For LGBTQ Students.
JOB CORP - PHOENIX: Job Corps students typically go to a campus near where they live. Your Admissions Services staff members will work with you to determine which center is the best fit for you based on a few factors, including your location and career interest.
JOB CORP - TUCSON: Job Corps students typically go to a campus near where they live. Your Admissions Services staff members will work with you to determine which center is the best fit for you based on a few factors, including your location and career interest.

Health Insurance

YOUNG ADULT TRANSITIONAL INSURANCE (YATI): This is a Medicaid program that provides health insurance to young adults formerly in foster care to age 26. You can find more information at http://coveraz.org/, but you may also contact Megan Conrad, Statewide Independent Living Coordinator at DCS, directly for assistance: Megan.Conrad@azdcs.gov.
AFFORDABLEHEALTHINSURANCE.COM: is a patient resource center (Note: they do not sell or provide healthcare plans), part of their mission is to help our vulnerable youth suffering from mental health issues learn about the benefits and coverage readily available to them. Their new guide offers valuable information on who qualifies, what coverage includes, and most importantly, low- to no-cost health coverage options. They also include many additional resources where individuals can get specialized support. Learn more about Health insurance options for at-risk, homeless, and vulnerable youth.

Mental Health Crisis

CRISIS RESPONSE NETWORK: 24/7 Crisis Hotline / Crisis Mobile Response Team. Call: 602-222-9444
ASU STUDENT - LA FRONTERA/EMPACT: 24/7 crisis line dedicated to ASU students. Call: 480-921-1006 Text: "HOME" to 741471
VETERANS CRISIS LINE: Available for all veterans, even if you are not registered with the VA. Call: 1-800-273-8255 and press "1" Text: 838255
TRANSITIONS COUNSELING: Specializing in in treating mental health concerns including depression, anxiety, PTSD/trauma, and social concerns like bullying or relationship challenge with various locations around Arizona. https://transitionscounselingandconsult.com/
COPE COMMUNITY SERVICES: Thrive Youth & Family Services. Thrive is a youth and family services Program at COPE Community Services, Inc. (COPE). The comprehensive services provided at this program include behavioral healthcare and address a wide range of concerns in a positive and supportive environment. The program strengthens youth and families by teaching them the necessary tools to achieve individual goals and thrive in the community.
CLAUDIA BLACK YOUNG ADULT CENTER: The transition to adulthood can become derailed by a number of factors. Young adults often find themselves feeling “in-between.” They’ve moved past adolescence and are eager for independence, but underlying issues can leave them stuck. The Claudia Black Young Adult Center offers groundbreaking inpatient treatment for those between the ages of 18-26 who are struggling with emotional trauma, addiction, or mental health issues like depression, ADHD, or anxiety.
Call: 1-866-814-1517
Treatment options include:
  • Drug and Alcohol
  • Detox
  • Trauma
  • Mental Health

Domestic Violence

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE: Maricopa County Domestic Violence Hotline. Call: 480-890-3039
NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE: Call: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) Text: “LOVIES” to 1-866-331-9474

Substance Abuse

SAMHSA NATIONAL HELPLINE: Free confidential help for substance use treatment and information. Call: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
ARIZONA OPIOID HOTLINE: 24/7 hotline that provides opioid-related information and resources. Call: 1-888-688-4222
LA FRONTERA/EMPACT: 24/7 crisis response. Call: 480-784-1500
COMMUNITY BRIDGES: 24/7 behavioral health and substance use. Call: 1-877-931-9142
EBONY HOUSE: Substance abuse treatment facility in Phoenix, Arizona. Crisis number: 602-796-6775 Phone: 602-254-6137 https://www.ebonyhouseinc.org/
THE BIRTH TO FIVE HELPLINE: The Birth to Five Helpline is a free service open to all Arizona families with young children looking for the latest child development information from experts in the field. Call 877-705-KIDS (5437) for Free Child Development Support
MATERNAL, INFANT, AND EARLY CHILDHOOD HOME VISITING PROGRAM: The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program gives pregnant women and families, particularly those considered at-risk, necessary resources and skills to raise children who are physically, socially, and emotionally healthy and ready to learn. Contact by emailing: HomeVisiting@hrsa.gov
WOMEN, INFANTS AND CHILDREN (WIC): Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC): if you need help paying for food for your infant or small child, visit https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic

Emergency Shelter

See Covid Resources Tab for emergency shelter resources

Housing Assistance

THE FOSTER YOUTH TO INDEPENDENCE INITIATIVE: Tenant Protection Vouchers for Youth to Independence Initiative - assists eligible youth for a period of 36 months, subject to availability. Eligible youth must meet the following conditions:
  • Has attained at least 18 years and not more than 24 years of age;
  • Left foster care, or will leave foster care within 90 days, in accordance with a transition plan described in section 475(5)(H) of the Social Security Act at age 16 or older; and
  • Is homeless or is at risk of becoming homeless.
Eligibility is not limited to single persons. For example, pregnant and/or parenting youth are eligible to receive assistance under this notice assuming they otherwise meet eligibility requirements. For more information visit: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/public_indian_housing
THE CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU (CFPB): has a new website, https://www.consumerfinance.gov/renthelp / that allows renters and landlords to find information on rental assistance in their area. The CFPB website offers resources in English and Spanish to help renters and landlords access additional financial assistance related to housing costs.
THE AMERICAN RESCUE ACT PLAN ACT: includes $4.5 billion in additional Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding to help families with low incomes afford home heating and cooling costs and meet unpaid electric and natural gas bills. ACF is also administering over $1 billion in funding to assist low-income households with drinking water and wastewater bills through the newly established Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). Visit https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ocs
OUR FAMILY SERVICES: Our Family’s mission is to eliminate homelessness and strengthen our community.Visit https://www.ourfamilyservices.org/
Youth 12-17 in need of immediate help call 520-320-5122
Young Adults 19-24 call 520-323-1708 ext. 103
YOUTH ON THEIR OWN Youth On Their Own (YOTO) supports the high school graduation and continued success of youth experiencing homelessness in Pima County.
To be eligible for the program, students must be: Enrolled in a Pima County middle or high school, from grades 6 through 12, and be under the age of 22, Unaccompanied through no fault/choice of their own, not in the physical custody of a parent or long-term legal guardian; and without a stable home.

Maricopa County

PHOENIX INDIAN CENTER:The Phoenix Indian Center, the oldest American Indian non-profit organization of its kind in the United States, has put together a list of useful links to an abundance of resources. Topics include Job Preparedness, Youth Services, and Two Spirit LGBTQ+ support. https://phxindcenter.org/resources/

Pima County

TUCSON INDIAN CENTER: The Center provides a range of social services, health, and wellness programs and services https://www.ticenter.org/
Services provided include:
  • Food Boxes
  • Legal Assitance
  • Financial Literacy Program
  • Diaper Bank
  • Cultural Events
  • Job Fair
  • Native American Family Wellness Day
  • Workforce programs
  • Native Summer Youth Program
Eligibility varies by type of program. Most services require proof of tribal enrollment and Tucson residency. Some Programs have income or other criteria. Call 520-884-7131
THE HAVEN: Residential and outpatient programs for women 18+. The Native Ways Program offers women with substance use disorders an opportunity to establish and grow their recovery with a setting and focus that respects the cultures and traditions of the Indigenous people of Arizona. https://thehaventucson.org/native-ways-program/ Call 520-623-4590

Maricopa County

CHICANAS POR LA CAUSA:Chicanos Por La Causa is an advocate for underserved individuals and communities. https://cplc.org/Programs include:
  • Health & Human Services
  • Housing
  • Education
  • Economic Development
  • Advocacy
AGUILA: Programs starting for 8th grade into college and beyond. AGUILA students are exposed to many local and national leaders, educators, resources, programs, and organizations providing additional support toward academic, personal, and professional goals. https://www.aguilayouth.org/

Pima County

AMISTADES: Amistades prioritize addressing immediate issues, leading efforts that eliminate false narratives about Latinos, and develop system focused strategies that change the conditions that perpetuate inequities. https://amistades.org/
Services include:
  • Juvenile Justice Program
  • Substance Abuse
  • Opiod Response and Prevention
  • Cultural Identity Programs
  • At-Risk Teen Services
  • AVANCE Parent-Child Program
  • CARAS de Esperanza
Call 520-882-8777

Maricopa County

ARIZONA AANHPI FOR EQUITY:Arizona Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander for Equity (AZ AANHPI for Equity) is a state-wide organization striving for equity and justice by building power through community directed organizing, increasing civic engagement, and empowering young leaders. Arizona Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander for Equity locations include Chandler, Glendale, Mesa, Phoenix, Tempe and Tucson. https://aanhpi.orgServices include:
  • Civic Engagement
  • Youth Leadership
  • Climate Justice
  • COVID 19 Vaccine Outreach

Pima County

TUCSON CHINESE CULTURAL CENTER: The Chinese Cultural Center serves the social and cultural needs of the 5,000 Chinese residents living in Pima County. Youth programs can be found on the website. Membersips are available for adults 18+. https://www.tucsonchinese.org

Maricopa County

ARIZONA CENTER FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN RESOURCES (AZCAAR): A resource for those serving the African American community focusing in the areas of: Civic Engagement, Communications, Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, Health and Well-being, Leadership, and Racial Equity.
100 BLACK MEN OF PHOENIX: The 100 Black Men of Phoenix Men of Tomorrow Academy (M.o.T.A.) is a tuition-free leadership development program that serves to develop the social, cultural, intellectual, and physical well-being of male youth ages 13-18. The academy focuses on building essential skills needed to become productive and contributing citizens.
I AM YOU 360: I Am You 360 is an award-winning, forward-thinking, progressive, innovative, led by an African American woman is leading in diversity and inclusion Desiree Cook’s lived experience inspired her to revolutionize a movement called “I Am Somebody.” https://iamyou360.org/
Services Include:
  • Hygene Dispensary
  • Your Hair is Your Crown
  • Small Home Experience
  • I am somebody Self Development Program

Pima County

TEEM - TUCSON EDUCATIONAL EMPOWERMENT FOR MINORITIES: TEEM is dedicated to uplifting African American youth to provide the learning experiences necessary for a successful future. TEEM Programs include reading and math improvement, engineering, sciences, college preparation, Black History, summer learning, and cultural appreciation.

More great resource lists

For young people living in Arizona: fosteringadvocatesarizona.org offers a Covid resource list for Transition Age Foster Youth in Arizona
For young people residing outside of Arizona, please visit: the State Independent Living and Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Coordinators page on childwelfare.gov to obtain a list of statewide contacts for independent living programs.
ASU School of Social Work 911 Alternatives A list of some alternative safety measures to reach for when you or someone you know are in urgent need of help but do not want call 911. 911 Alternatives

Other helpful organizations

ONWARD HOPE: Onward hope offers a wide range of services to youth in and out of foster care, including help with housing, emergency funds, case management (ages 14-29): https://www.onwardhope.org
FOSTER ARIZONA: Offers help with housing and partners with Keys to Success to support young people in transition: https://fosterarizona.org/
THE ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY (DES): DES works with families, community organizations, advocates and state and federal partners to realize the vision that every child, adult, and family in Arizona will be safe and economically secure.
DES works to promote enhanced safety and well-being for Arizonans by focusing on three primary goals:
  • Strengthening individuals and families;
  • Increasing self-sufficiency; and,
  • Developing the capacity of communities.
ARIZONA FRIENDS OF FOSTER CHILDREN FOUNDATION: Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation empowers youth in foster care by funding services to enrich experiences and ensure the successful transition to adulthood. https://www.affcf.org
FOSTER CLUB: Foster Club's mission is to lead the efforts of young people in and from foster care to become connected, educated, inspired and represented so they can realize their personal potential and contribute to a better life for their peers. https://www.fosterclub.com
FOSTER CARE ALUMNI OF AMERICA:FCAA's mission is to ensure a high quality of life for those in and from foster care through the collective voice of alumni. Learn more at https://fostercarealumni.org
CREATING LGBTQIA+ FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES IN HEALTHCARE & EDUCATION: EduMed has created a guidebook that highlights the challenges LGBTQIA+ students and patients regularly face such as discrimination by healthcare providers and insurance, and the lack of proper training on LGBTQIA+ issues by teachers and doctors. It also provides some really helpful tips and resources for finding an LGBTQIA+ friendly healthcare provider and college. The link can be found at https://www.edumed.org/resources/lgbtqia-healthcare-and-education